Jeffery Goodson

Jeffery Goodson (he/him) has performed on stages in the Twin Cities including four previous shows at nimbus (The Balcony, Babel, In The Age of Paint and Bone and last year's Nimbus Presents: A Countup to Christmas) He has also been seen in productions with the Chanhassen Dinner Theater, The Brave New Workshop, Park Square, Theatre 55 and Lyric Arts. Some of his favorite roles: Seymour in Little Shop of Horrors, Brad in Rocky Horror Show, Arthur P in Superior Donuts, Cromwell in A Man For All Seasons and his time as an improver-writer-cast member of the Brave New Workshop. He has a published play - Shakespeare Ate My Brain, writes and records his own songs and has co-created a science fiction storytelling podcast called “Space Croutons” which is in it’s fourth season. Find out more about him at

nimbus credits

A Very Electric Christmas
Nimbus Presents: A Count Up to Christmas
In the Age of Paint and Bone
The Balcony