While every production features a unique ensemble, we are built around a core group of artists dedicated to furthering our methods for the creation of collaborative theater. Here they are.

liz headshot.jpg

Liz Neerland

Co-Artistic Director

Liz is a native of Minneapolis and a graduate of Grinnell College. Since 2002, she has had a hand in writing, directing, designing, or producing every nimbus show. 

alyssa thompson

Company Stage Manager


josh cragun

Co-Artistic Director

Josh Cragun is a writer who fell into the company of theater artists at a young and impressionable age, and fortunately, has never been quite the same.

Andrea gross

Company Manager

Short Bio

Brian Hesser

Technical Director

mitchell Frazier

Co-Artistic Director

Mitchell Frazier attended University of Minnesota studying Theater and Speech with a minor in African-American History.

ernest briggs

Company Member

Short bio

jill hoeft


ALex Meyer

Dramaturgy and Legal Consultant