By Josh Cragun
“Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more.”
A poet of science
His ideas belonged in the 21st century: neon light, alternating current, wireless power transmission, radio remote control. He designed vacuum tubes, took some of the earliest X-ray photographs, produced artificial lightning.
He also dug ditches, feared germs, was fixated on the number three. Friends included Mark Twain, Sarah Bernhardt, and a pigeon whose name is lost to history. Enemies included Thomas Edison, overweight people and pearls.
Yet he predicted the creation of mobile phones, robotics and the EPA, all the while compiling nearly 300 patents and laying the foundation of 21st century infrastructure. To this day, the electrical systems used around the world for generation and transmission of power use his designs.
nimbus invites you on a journey exploring the life of this legendary eccentric, and a chance to experience a time when electricity was new, and a world of possibilities collided in one man: Tesla.
May 11 - June 9, 2013
The Ensemble
Stage Manager
Costume Design
Lighting Design
Property Design
Set Design
Text Team
Set Crew
Josh Cragun
Caitlin Hammel
Andrea M Gross
Liz Neerland
Mitchell Frazier
Jenny Moeller
Ursula K Bowden
Zach Morgan
Heidi Berg
Jesse Corder
Nissa Nordland Morgan
Heather Stone
Jesse Corder
Brian O’Neal
Anna Sutheim
Brian Watson-Jones
Mat Lindquist
Monique Lindquist
Gant Luxton
Liam McNerneny
Rob Roberts III